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The concept is a brilliant and unique one that investigates the age-old subject of personal/societal-development in a very fresh and exciting way. The enthusiasm of the author comes through clearly within the first few pages and I felt myself carried away by this enthusiasm and swept up by the tide in my desire to learn more. Everything seems to have been so well thought out, right down to the finest detail as one could probably expect from someone with the author's background in course development. I thought that perhaps because of this background the text would be too stifling and educational but I was pleasantly surprised by the personal and conversational tone of the writing. The writing itself is of a high quality and I must repeat that the clever way in which the author has planned and introduced ideas and concepts is commendable. Although this subject matter has been written about extensively, I have certainly never seen it written from such an original angle. I'm sure many would find it intriguing and be captured and inspired by the author's unique take on life and the solution to self-realisation/actualisation.

Vanessa Finaughty - Editor: Reach Publishing

Want to Fly? Get a Grip!



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Book 1
Want to Fly? Get a grip!​



A Journey to Control and Harmony

(As Observed through the First pair of Spectacles)

We make millions of decisions throughout our lives. Everyone tells us that we and our world are a result of our decisions and that good choice is therefore really important.

However, it seems as if no one actually knows how to really make good choices, all the time and without fail. Our world around us and our lives bear testimony to this.

The problem is that the behavioural patterns of the world, including mine and yours are fundamentally flawed. Our behavioural patterns stem from our decision making abilities. Our decision making abilities are totally inadequate.

Our behaviour is very deeply rooted in the past, so are the decisions that we make. It is so ingrained into our existence that we act automatically. We never challenge it and as a result, we are unknowingly and unintentionally caught up in a flawed existence.

We are creatures of social habit and we are desperately trying to satisfy all our survival needs. We live fear based lives and we do not understand why. We fear hunger, death, poverty, sickness, rejection and many more. We do not know what truth is anymore!

Imagine we can turn this around…and yes we can!
We can fly!

But before we can fly, we need to get a grip, to solve the problem.



​ISBN:  978-0-620-57972-8

e-ISBN: 978-0-620-57947-6


Author: Nic Olvani

Reach Publishers






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Agent Under Cover
Book 2
Agent under Cover.


 A Journey to Eternal Life                                

(As seen through the Second pair of Spectacles)

We are creatures of social habit and we are desperately trying to satisfy all our survival needs. The world is a hostile place. We live fear-based lives and we do not understand why. We fear hunger, death, poverty, sickness, rejection and many more.

In our struggle to overcome and control these obstacles that we face, we have to face reality. Reality however has different faces and facets. Our perspective on what reality is is shaped by our daily experiences, lives, habits and cultures. Our emotions that we experience and the choices we subsequently make are forthcoming from these experiences, habits and cultures that developed over the ages. All of these influence our realities experienced and our spiritual lives.

Seldom do we ever realise that what we experience as what is right and what is wrong is not really what it seems. It is not always the truth. The real truth is the other face of reality, or is it not?

We as humans struggle daily with many issues and we think we are on top of them, but are we? I doubt it very much. We on a daily basis make so many mistakes, even in our spiritual lives, we do not even realise we make them and therefore we live under the impression we are doing just fine, but we are not. We think we are in control but we are not!

For us to see the other side, the other face of reality is almost impossible, because we have the wrong perspective. We wear the incorrect pair of spectacles from the previous book: Get a Grip.

To enable us to “see” correctly, we need to go undercover. We have an undercover agent and we need to visit and expose him and all his deeply concealed secrets, to see life through the second pair of spectacles, to see true reality and live deeply, true spiritual lives.




​ISBN:  978-0-620-57973-5

e-ISBN: 978-0-620-57948-3


Author: Nic Olvani

Reach Publishers






Vibrant Life - Book
Book 1 & 2 Combined
Vibrant Life.





Life is vibrant, alive and joyous for some and plain depressing and problematic for others. This may even change from the one extreme to the other for many people, many times during their lives.
We all have some hope of a good life sometime, even if we are in terrible conditions. Despite this hope, some take the option to end their lives, because life became too complicated and troublesome to continue. Others thrive in luxury and seem to be on top of it all. These opposites create many issues and raise many questions to many aspects in people’s lives and the world in general.
Life we also hope and believe has a purpose, but we do not understand why some have to struggle and why some have it all and what each and every one is supposed to do and achieve in life. Very few will agree on what the ultimate goal is and how to achieve it. Do you know what yours is?
Life takes us through many learning curves, but the one lesson which we are never learning properly, is the one to really have a vibrant life and to experience a vibrant and joyous life all the time. We all have our ups and our downs, even if we perceive ourselves to be successful.
Is there a recipe or a method which we can follow to change this around once and forever? Will it be easy to achieve or proof to be too complicated? Well, it may seem a little far-fetched to even try and achieve something like that. However, vibrant life is possible; just ask those who really are living it. It in addition is easy, very easy! There are only two rules to apply.
Only two rules? Are you serious?
The two books in the series “Rhythms of life” as listed below are dedicated to take you there. Are you willing?



​ISBN:  978-0-620-56253-9

e-ISBN: 978-0-0620-56260-7


Author: Nic Olvani

Reach Publishers








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